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Selectmen's Minutes July 8, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
July 8, 2003    

PRESENT: Chairman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Highway Department
Present: David Kenneally, Road Agent  

Sections of Horse Corner Road have been paved.  David recommends selling the bulldozer by sealed bid.  No decision was made.  David informed the board of the resignation from Mr. May.  The board requested it be put in writing. Mr. Kenneally will hire part time help as needed.  Chief Clarke recommended any new hires at least have a valid driver’s license.  Discussion ensued around requiring certified copies of motor vehicle and criminal records from applicants.  Although the board talked about making this policy, no decision was made at this time. David discussed holding off on a driveway permit approval due to an insufficient size culvert.  David has spoken directly to the homeowner telling them it must be a 15” culvert; the homeowner went ahead and put in a 12”.  Bartlett Tree Service is scheduled to due the tree cutting for the Hutchinson Road project.  The board asked to make sure the road agent got a signed contract for this work. David has been working out easement arrangements with the homeowners on Hutchinson Road.  Selectman DeBold discussed the parking lot work scheduled for this year at Carpenter Park.  David K. and Richard will coordinate this project to get it complete.  

SUBJECT: Police Department
Present: Patrick Clarke, Chief    

The board asked Pat if he was aware of the upcoming guardrail replacement work by the State on Rte 4.  Standardizing employee policies were discussed.  The board asked Pat for copies of any policies that the Police Department were using and for any insight he could add to make them fair and equitable across the board for all the town’s employees.  

SUBJECT: Conservation Commission    
Present: Jeff Andrews and Bob Mann

Jeff and Bob came to the board to discuss the possibility of the town purchasing the Shaw property said to be up for sale.  This piece abuts the Sanborn/Cray parcel already owned by the town and the conservation commission feels the Shaw property would enhance this parcel nicely.  Specifically, access to Marsh Pond for passive recreational use such as a small canoe launch. The board agreed to ask Avitar to appraise the property and forward that information to the Conservation Commission.  The commission will work on a rough plan for proposed use of the property and get back to the selectmen in the fall.  

Selectman Arey asked the commission to speak with Ms. Madeline Sanborn regarding promises that were made as to use of the parcel she donated to the town.   As of this date they have not been taken care of.
 The conservation commission would like the Board of Selectmen to consider a warrant article for next year, increasing the amount of money directed to the commission as a result of money received from Land Use Change Taxes.  Currently the town has voted on fifty percent.

Chairman Colbert asked if the commission knew if the survey of Carpenter Park has ever been completed.  The work was done several years ago but it is the understanding the data has not been put to paper.  Chairman Mann indicated Mr. Jordan had been tracking that information down and he would follow up as to the status of that inquiry.  

Lastly, the commission asked if a computer was available to load some of their software.  Lisa directed them to check with our volunteer computer technician regarding system requirements.  


The board discussed the request from the Fire Department to look into forming a study committee for hiring a full time Fire Chief.  This position could possibly be combined with a Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer.  Motion Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman Arey that the board is not interested in forming a study committee at this time.  All were in favor.  

Improving communications between the board and departments was discussed.  The selectmen will talk with the department heads next week.  

 The board and Lisa took a walk through of the community building.  Storage issues and squirrel damage was assessed.  The board would like Lisa to schedule leaders from the scout troops at the next selectmen’s meeting to discuss options and use of the community building.

Selectman Arey updated the board regarding the water testing.  Aqua Labs will take samples at the end of the month.  Samples will be taken at the well and inside at all five houses.  

The board reviewed mail and signed the minutes of July 1, 2003.    

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 10:00pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant
Chairman David Colbert

Approved As Written    
_____________________________                                   7/15/2003
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey